新建文件夾 (19禁電影) (中文字幕)[AVI/1.21GB/BT]
【影片名称】:新建文件夾 (19禁電影) (中文字幕)
【影片又名】:New Folder (2014)
【語種發音】:韓語發音 / 簡體中文字幕.
【上映日期】::上映日期: 2014-12-18(南傍国)
【主演演員】:Geumbo ganggyeongwoo Sinyuju. 等主演.
【劇情簡介】:?? ?? ?宰旭是男胖屌絲中的奇葩,整天沈迷並意淫於網路許多辣妹騷女,但是每逢提到相親之時,總被美妞冷嘲熱諷,不歡而散。但經歷一次嚴重車禍,宰旭需進行臉部全方位大規模的移植整型手術,雖要冒著某程度的風險,卻發生了翻天地覆的變化,宰旭大病痊癒之後,竟然搖身變成極度英俊的高富帥,因禍得福,完美整型讓他改頭換面,變成另外一個美男子,隨時隨地都想泡妞洩慾,盡情玩樂,包括風騷美艷洋妞的美臀豐胸,皆能隨心所欲,得取美妙性高潮。並且決心報復那些以前曾經輕視他的負心女人。宰旭又能否找到渴望已久的真正愛情嗎??? ?? ?【Storyline】:?? ?? ? ‘ I share?? Say huh?? ‘
‘ GNOME’s new changeling begins ‘?The protagonist’s ties around the world, even mold collecting-hobby, sang with the Geek in me solo.
Today, international babes on your computer and enjoy spending time with him a friend Jae-wook is
Blind date but the foot clan was dealt with and frustrated and wind each time wandering in the street during the
Into a completely different person due to untimely accidents.?I don’t know see the alternate type, align yourself wind women determined to avenge …?Indeed, mold also can find true love?
【种子名称】:新建文件夾 (19禁電影) [中文字幕].torrent