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[希腊/四级] 诱惑的麦克风 To Mikrofono Tis Alikis 1984 [MP4/543MB]

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[希腊/四级] 诱惑的麦克风 To Mikrofono Tis Alikis 1984 [MP4/543MB]

【影片名称】:诱惑的麦克风 To Mikrofono Tis Alikis 1984


This is good movie if you're a fan of the Greek porn goddess, TinaSpathi. The movie is dedicated to her sexual encounters with men andwomen (not the real ones but...). Indeed, Tina overflows throughoutthis movie, with her luscious body and her "abnormal" talents (to putit kindly) storming! Certainly if you're after this kind of movies,acting is not one of your concerns, so one can not judge this movie foracting or anything like that. As far as other females on the movie andunlike the majority of that genre, in this movie women are not goodlooking but not that bad either. Again, this movie is only recommendedto the hardcore fans of the genre and to those that would like a tasteof the classic Greek porn industry.



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