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[美国/四级] 处女杰斯丁的梦想 Justine 1980 [MP4/1.2GB]

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[美国/四级] 处女杰斯丁的梦想 Justine 1980 [MP4/1.2GB]

【影片名称】:处女杰斯丁的梦想 Justine 1980[经典高清复古情色]

杰斯丁 (希拉里 · 萨默斯),只是从一个法国女子精修学校,毕业决定去与她那有钱的叔叔 (阿什利 · 摩尔) 生活。她是迷人和甜,但她的叔叔是可耻和肆意。海宁一天碰巧进入她叔叔的浴室和发现他与他的情妇。这完全震惊无辜贾斯丁,和她跑到她的卧室吓坏了。然而,性接触的形象在她心目中,燃烧,她开始有她自己的妖媚性充满梦想。大部分贾斯汀是电影的一个处女,显式的幻想。最后,然而,她从战略上移动从幻想到现实。

Starring: Hillary Summers, Ashley Moore, Vanessa del Rio, Christie Ford, Christine De Shaffer

Justine (Hilary Summers), just having graduated from a French finishing school, decides to go live with her rich uncle (Ashley Moore). She is charming and sweet, but her uncle is scandalous and wanton. Justine happens one day to enter her uncle’s bathroom and discovers him with his mistress. This utterly shocks the innocent Justine, and she runs frightened to her bedroom. The image of the sexual encounter burns in her mind, however, and she begins to have lusty sex-filled dreams of her own. For the bulk of the film Justine is a virgin with explicit fantasies. In the end, however, she strategically moves from fantasy to reality.


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