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[法国/四级] 娱乐之家1980 [MP4/769MB]

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? ? 伊娃(Jane Baker)经营着一家男妓院,有一天她的轿车沿着Laure(Sandrine佩内乐)。她带着她,有一个女同性恋的场景。后来,这个女孩已经离家出走了看到她母亲(伊丽莎白布雷)和她女儿的男朋友做爱。伊丽莎白局雇佣了一个私人侦探寻找她。他跟踪她到简贝克的建立,并得到自己雇用那里秘密。简有一位女秘书/助理和他们一起做的,因为他们已经做了其他的工作员工的男性成员。其中的舞男性别与同时在同旧的地下室里失控旧的弹球机。伊丽莎白布雷有性别与在他的办公桌的私人侦探。

Description: Eva (Jane Baker) runs a male brothel and one day her limousine runs down Laure (Sandrine Pernelle). She takes her in and there is a lesbian scene. It later turns out that the girl has run away from home after seeing her mother (Elisabeth Bure) having sex with her daughter’s boyfriend. Elisabeth Bure hires a private detective to look for her. He traces her to Jane Baker’s establishment and gets himself employed there undercover. Jane has a female secretary/assistant and together they ‘audition’ him, as they have done to other male members of staff. One of the gigolos has sex with the runaway in that same old basement room at the same old pinball machine. Elisabeth Bure has sex with the private detective over his office desk.


上一篇:[香港/三级] 聊斋孽欲狐鬼高清字幕版 [MP4/848M] 下一篇:[意大利/三级] 巴黎7天1977 中文字幕(唯美爱情情欲电影)[MP4/2.49GB]

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