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[法国/四级] 性感少女1977 [MP4/719MB]

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? ?金发Odile是同事的绘图员查利撞在他的办公室简要。查利和女友再去李察的住处lemieuvre发现他被倾向于通过Lahaie碧姬各种淫秽活动和karine甘比尔:交换等他雇用那些从奴隶拍卖”。不满意我,李察回到她店里,这家伙和查利的观点2黑发拍卖和金发然后埃里卡酷“飞贼”。公司是拍卖,但我们不看自己的经历。伊丽莎白钻é似乎是这里的一个女孩,一个深棕色。在一些其他的拍卖包括Karine的毛茸茸的金色头发的是贾可marbeuf买。

Blonde Odile is a colleague of draughtsman Charlie and bonks briefly in his office. Charlie and girlfriend Francoise go to the abode of Richard Lemieuvre to discover him being tended to by Brigitte Lahaie and Karine Gambier - various raunchy activity follows, swapping etc. He has hired those from a 'slave auction'. Not gratified with Karine, Richard returns her to the shop and this guy and Charlie view an auction of 2 brunettes and a blonde and then Erika Cool as "Irma". Francoise is auctioned off - but we don't watch her experiences. Elisabeth Buré appears to be to be one of the gals here, as a dark brown. At yet some other auction - which includes Karine - the hairy golden-haired is bought by Jacques Marbeuf.

上一篇:[法国/四级] 打车妙女郎1978 (法国复古经典情色)[MP4/1.14GB] 下一篇:[美国/四级] 处女与情人1973(经典复古情色稀缺电影) [MP4/1.38G]

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