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[法国/四级] 特殊邮差女孩1982 [MP4/828MB]

点击进入==== 国产4K高清露脸精品合集免空下載≥↘04.06--1

点击进入==== 国产4K高清露脸精品合集免空下載≥↘04.06--2



? ?信使的女孩使用的轻便摩托车去与客户发生性关系(和路人),与他们的老板(阿尔班ceray)和彼此。凯西斯图尔特似乎是领导者,惩治利用办公室的女老板(帕特丽夏Santos),在医院的电梯,有人遛狗(加布里埃尔蓬泰洛外科医生做爱)在楼梯间。她刚由玛丽莲杰西,玛丽安Aubert和克里斯汀黑。


Messenger girls using mopeds go around having sex with clients (and passers-by), with their boss (Alban Ceray) and with each other. Cathy Stewart seems to be the ring leader, punishing the boss for taking advantage of the office girl (Patricia Santos), having sex with a surgeon in a hospital lift and with a man walking a dog (Gabriel Pontello) in a stairwell. Her gang consists of Marilyn Jess, Marianne Aubert and Christine Black.
The plot centers on "tossing". Tossing is a trend Cathy Stewart picked up during her US holiday. You look someone in the eyes, give him or her a sign, and if he or she responds, you fuck - without speaking. Because they didn't speak, Cathy doesn't know the name of the surgeon. So she and the other girls are searching for this man.


上一篇:[欧美/写真] 蕾丝女模飘窗脱光酮体 [MP4/331MB] 下一篇:[美国/三级] 温柔在心 2001[MP4/695MB]

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