[法国/四级] 奥林卡情趣会所 [MP4/1016MB]
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? ? 这是奥林卡最优秀的电影,其中最好的所有法国成人发作。一些不幸的结果在奥林卡工作在一家豪华的法国的妓院。当那个宝贝爱上一个顾客,这个宝贝计划她逃脱。这就是情节,有什么,但什么使这一伟大的铁杆电影是小感动。语气是愉快的,但当包棚户居民将全面fuckfest是变态的中央。最有效的顺序是每一天的锻炼跑步。女生全体员工去慢跑,与激励,最终正妹回来接收buttfucked在按摩桌上(而其他所有女生围着看和丛林音乐对电影原声带)。漂亮的金色头发的人总是在最后挣扎的目的。奥林卡转身对夫人说:“这不是一个很令人钦佩的惩罚--我想这宝贝爱它。”夫人回答说:“我知道,但是大多数的天使不。“我们会把这个愚蠢的序列作为典型的法国成人电影制作的光——叙事的设置,提供了一些情绪性的设置,音乐的有效利用,用真实的情感/性影响支配的一个主题,但出于贬低或卑鄙(的表演,是一个和其他参与者的意愿),以及拍摄时尚特写混合表演和对话,是关于性的。
? ?This is Olinka's most excellent film, and among the most good of all French adult episodes. Some misfortune results in Olinka working in a fancy French house of prostitution. When that babe falls in love with a customer, this babe plans her escape. That's the plot, what there is of it, but what make this a great hardcore film are the little touches. The tone is pleasure, but when the denizens of the bag shanty throw an all-out fuckfest it is perversion central. Most effective sequence is the every single day exercise run. The whole staff of gals go jogging, with the incentive that final hotty back receives buttfucked on the massage table (while all the other gals gather around to see and jungle music plays on the soundtrack). The nice-looking golden-haired who always comes in final straggles on purpose. Olinka turns to the Madame and says "That's not a very admirable castigation -- I think this babe loves it." The Madame responds "I know, but majority of the angels don't." We would cite this stupid sequence as quintessential light French adult film-making -- a narrative set-up that provides some emotional setting for the sex, effective use of music, a theme of domination with real emotional/sexual impact, but out of any sense of abase or meanness (presented as play-acting that serves the wishes of the one and the other participants), well-photographed stylish close-ups mixed with acting and dialogue that is about the sex.