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[美国/四级] 邪恶黑寡妇Tapestry of Passion 1976 [MP4/824MB/BT]

【影片名称】:邪恶黑寡妇Tapestry of Passion 1976[复古经典情色 绝版资源]

私家侦探约翰尼我让 · 奥斯本聘请调查谋杀她的弟弟汤姆。约翰尼很快发现罪魁祸首是自称黑寡妇的女人经营地下 S & M 俱乐部。浸润性俱乐部,约翰尼设下陷阱邪恶的施虐狂只是在警察到来的时候。
Private detective Johnny Wadd is hired by Jean Osborne to investigate the murder of her brother Tom. Johnny soon discovers that the culprit is a woman calling herself the Black Widow who operates an underground S & M club. Infiltrating the club, Johnny sets a trap for the evil dominatrix just in time for the police to arrive.

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