【影片名称】:美味女歌手 Tasty 1985 [经典复古情色高清修复珍藏] 【影片大" />
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[美国/四级] 美味女歌手 Tasty 1985 [MKV/1.29GB/BT]


【影片名称】:美味女歌手 Tasty 1985 [经典复古情色高清修复珍藏]

无线电台经理加里 · 康纳斯威胁要解雇工作他站克努特后一个主要的广告商说他们将删除所有他们的广告,除非下垂评级提高周年底唱片骑师。性感的 DJ 美味 Tastums 和她同行的唱片骑师们决定纠正的情况,从演奏到广播关于各种活泼性相关题材的摇滚音乐活在空气开关。

Radio station manager Gary Connors threatens to fire all the disc jockeys who work for his station KNUT after a major advertiser says they will remove all of their ads unless the sagging ratings improve by the end of the week. Sexy DJ Tasty Tastums and her fellow disc jockeys decide to rectify the situation by switching from playing rock music to broadcasting about various racy sex-related subject matter live on the air.


上一篇:[美国/四级] 早餐用香槟 1980 [MP4/863MB] 下一篇:[日本/写真] 撅着屁股慢慢脱下内裤 [WMV/154MB/BT]

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