【影片名称】:酒吧舞者 Blonde Justice3 1994 [复古经典情色 绝版资源] 【影片大" />
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[美国/四级] 酒吧舞者 Blonde Justice3 1994 [MP4/858MB/BT]


【影片名称】:酒吧舞者 Blonde Justice3 1994 [复古经典情色 绝版资源]

珍妮是在金发司法酒吧舞者。她也是这个星球上最美丽的女人。和每一个酒鬼知道这一点,尤其是四月。 4月,似乎刚刚离开她的华尔街人士的丈夫,搬到加州,并渴望体验女同性恋的乐趣。但她不会长不长,因为珍妮的的图片。加入我们的芽李重访成年最受欢迎的系列盯着色情的卫冕屏幕,珍妮女王之一。当她取酒吧,金发正义的风格!
Janine is a dancer in the Blonde Justice Bar. She is also the most beautiful woman on this planet. And every barfly

knows it, especially April. April, it seems has just left her Wall Streeter husband, moved to California, and longs to

experience the joys of lesbianism. But she won’t long for long, because Janine’s in the picture. Join our Bud Lee in

a revisit to one of the most popular series in adult staring porn’s reigning queen of screen, Janine. As she takes the

bar, Blonde Justice style!

上一篇:[香港/三级] 蜜桃成熟时 Crazy Love 1993 (李丽珍) [MP4/1.11GB/BT] 下一篇:[国产/剧情] E奶貴婦強上傻小賊-钟丽琪[mp4/530MB]

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