这是作为它迷人的浪漫喜剧中的娜塔莎尼斯和 Giovanni Francisco 星是不可预知。杰克 (Giovanni) 有点陈旧的专栏,有绝对没问题抛出智慧的言语为他浪漫挑战的读者;同时艾比 (娜塔莎),他的前女友,仍然住在一起他。但当这种尴尬的生活安排变成复杂的关系危机,杰克将能够遵循他自己的话说的智慧或最终失去艾比会把他抱给另外一个人吗?
Natasha Nice and Giovanni Francisco star in this romantic Comedy That is charming AS AS IT is Unpredictable. Jack (Giovanni), a somewhat jaded advice columnist, has absolutely no problem dishing out words of wisdom for his romantically challenged readers; while Abby (Natasha), his ex-girlfriend, still lives with him. But when this awkward living arrangement turns into a complicated relationship crisis, will Jack be able to follow his own words of wisdom or will he ultimately lose Abby to another guy?