【影片名称】:独特的护士服务 Infirmieres A Tout Faire 1979(俏皮的女护士为你全" />
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[法国/四级]独特的护士服务 Infirmieres A Tout Faire 1979(俏皮的女护士为你全方位性爱服务)[MP4/762MB/BT]


【影片名称】:独特的护士服务 Infirmieres A Tout Faire 1979(俏皮的女护士为你全方位性爱服务)

理查德老爷(胡子和灌木烫发)护士提供非常独特的服务to the(presumably男性患者性功能失调性)(多米尼克榛和雅克)。调查员不久后西里尔缬氨酸是他们发现了他的地址。他们是巴黎护士和试图隐藏在他的公寓。在那里他们发现伊丽莎白比雷谁欢迎EM以及开放的遗产。

Richard Lemieuvre and Guy Royer (with moustache and bushy perm) are investigating a clinic in the country where the nurses provide very peculiar services to the (presumably sexually dysfunctional) male patients (Dominique Aveline and Jacques Gatteau). The investigators are found shortly after Cyril Val is admitted, but not in advance of they have discovered his address. They are chased into Paris by 2 of the nurses and try to hide in his apartment. There they discover Elisabeth Buré who welcomes em with open legs.

上一篇:[欧美/写真]一个在国外火的不要不要的大美妞 女人下体无底洞 一瓶矿泉水都灌进去了 BB都被水灌满了[MP4/387MB/BT] 下一篇:[港台/四级]落翅女的黄昏1983 台湾经典真枪实弹 绝版收藏[MP4/498MB]

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